Friday, September 08, 2006

This weekend! This weekend!

Things are not looking very good for the weekend. CBS and Fantasy Network have nothing new to offer. But FOX premieres two new shows Friday nite: Brad Garrett's sitcom: 'til Death which pretty much looks DOA to me.

"Hey, I won an Emmy! Now I can have any lame show I want!"

They follow the former Raymond fave with Happy Hour - a stunningly original idea involving six young adults - three guys, three gals, (all white) - who negotiate the tricky waters of love and happiness in their young adult years. Did I mention that they hang out in a coffee bar? No wait, they don't. They hang out in a bar - slurping down cheap drinks and free peanuts...during happy hour...get it?

happy hour cast

They're not only drunks, they're cheap drunks...

NBC has got nuthin.' Though they are running a Law & Order: CI Saturday nite at 10pm and it does feature Eames and Goren...

SciFi gives us two new Stargate episodes tonight. On SG1, Vala is kidnapped and tortured, blah, blah, blah. Claudia Black has been steadily moving into the spotlight on SG1...

For a couple weeks, they were turning her into a goody-two shoes but they backed off that and have returned her to her snarky, resourceful self.

Stargate: Atlantis goes for the evil twin / alternate universe plot - McKay being the one who is twinned...

Oh yes, I almost forgot. Saturday nite we get a SciFi original movie: Sasquatch Mountain! Here's the link - you can check it out on your own...


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