Monday, October 30, 2006

I need a new look

I'm 51 this year - 52 in February - 52 gray stone steps up to the box. I can't dress like a Mod Sub anymore...

And I sure can't dress like these fashion plates extolling the hip new middle age look at some fashion show...

That's always the problem - you are drawn to the fashions that were big when you were having a lot of fun in your life - the period when you started to actually "move" away from home and start discovering things about yourself rather than just defining yourself as opposed to your parents. But you can't wear that stuff at 50.

Orvis has that middle age look down...

But I can't quite give up the black and go totally into a brown and green color palette. I'd love to bring the color black with me from the punk days and build a wardrobe around it. Orvis has half a dozen black items and that's it. There's more at places like Old Navy and Urban Outfitters but those clothes are cut for younger bodies. When is some boomer gonna come out with a line of clothes that are rock and roll flavored but cut for a little bulkier physic? Big money to be made there...


At 6:24 PM, Blogger Duf said...

Please keep r and r look until we meet in person. Thanks in advance.


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