Friday, October 13, 2006

Oh, Rob...

It seems there are a lot of intelligent people who cannot "understand" Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. The biggest hang-up seems to be that we don't get to see much of "the show" each week - the late-nite sketch comedy show that our characters create and perform in each week. This seems to drive people crazy. Why do a show backstage at a television network if you're not going to see the program they are producing?

Recently there has been whining about some slapstick moments in the recent episode and there are constant comparisons to West Wing and how WW was best when important things were happening like threat of war or republicans taking over congress and scuttling Bartlett's agenda, etc. etc.

Look - this isn't West Wing - should Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip do a show where everyone is distracted by the threat of a terrorist attack in LA? If you were a real Insufferable Television Snob you'd recognize the source of the show immediately...

Hmmm, let's take a look at this television classic. Main character Rob is married to Laura and he works as...wait for it...a televison writer for a sketch comedy tv show: The Alan Brady Show. Now each week we get to see Rob at work with his fellow writers working on The Alan Brady Show, dealing with the star and the quirks of television programming, and cracking wise about their personal lives...

And each week we get to see Rob at home dealing with his personal life...

And here's a couple shockers: there was plenty of slapstick comedy and HOW MUCH DID WE EVER SEE OF THE ALAN BRADY SHOW?

Enough already. Studio 60 is fine, it is entertaining and enjoyable. Is it perfect, no, but it's new. My only beef is that Sorkin seems to forget that Danny and Matt are the Rob and Laura of Studio 60...


At 11:56 AM, Blogger thekeez said...

YES! I'm with you 100%.


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